Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Veteran missionary distributes Today's Pentecostal Evangel

David and Gladys Guenther served as Assemblies of God world missionaries for 37 years in Guyana, Belize and Jamaica. Since returning to the United States in 1996, they have redirected their passion for souls into their community. Today’s Pentecostal Evangel is a trusted tool in that outreach.

Now living in Springfield, Mo., David keeps boxes of Evangels on hand for distribution during his ministry walks each week.

“I take my ‘Evangel walk’ several times each week,” he says, “leaving 300 to 500 each month in homes in the northwest section of Springfield. I find people very receptive.”

Recently David has enjoyed the help of a church friend, Jim Alread. Alread and Guenther distribute pamphlets about their church, Central Assembly, as well as the Evangels. As they go house to house, they also offer to pray with people who come to the door.

“I’ve been an Evangel reader since 1946,” David says.

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